1. Condition of WASH Management Among Oraon Women in Rural Bangladesh (2022)

Objectives of the Project: To observe the knowledge and practices of Orao women in rural Bangladesh regarding WASH, their socio-economic status, and their participation in training and awareness programs about WASH.

2. Knowledge and Awareness about Sexual Health Among Oraon Women in Rural Bangladesh (2022)

Objectives of the Project:  Monitoring the sexuality knowledge, awareness and practices of Orao women in rural Bangladesh, their socio-economic status, and their participation in sexuality training and awareness programmes.

3. Bangabandhu’s Role in Social Welfare Activities After Independence of Bangladesh: An Analysis (2022)

Abstract of the Research Article: Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is absolutely a special gift and blessing of God in the history. He is considered as the history’s greatest hero. All of Bangabandhu’s thoughts, views, values and all activities were concerned about well-being of human and social welfare. In a newly independent and war-torn country, he undertook various activities with emphasis on the social welfare sector. The discussed article highlights all the social welfare activities that Bangabandhu had undertaken till August 15, 1975. In terms of using information- important books, reports, journals, reports, papers etc. related to Bangabandhu and Bongabandhu’s contibution to govern Bangladesh have been taken. An attempt has been made in this article to highlight the developmental projects which had been undertaken by the Bangabandhu government in the social welfare sector. Bangabandhu had undertaken various social welfare activities including relief and rehabilitation, poverty alleviation, rehabilitation of the people with disabilities and helpless, rehabilitation and dignity of women and victims of the liberation war, various programs for war affected children and formulation of children’s law and establishment of children’s hospitals. The nation will remember his outstanding contribution to women and children abused in war forever. However, due to the non-cooperation of supporters Pakistan and dishonest groups, Bangabandhu’s programs were disrupted in many ways. By overcoming all the hurdles, he became a pioneer in the sector of social welfare which has been established with the flow of his hopes, aspirations, love and desire to work for the well-being of human beings.


4. Contribution of Bangabandhu to Welfare and Rehabilitation of the Oppressed Women in the Liberation War: An Analysis (2022)

Abstract of the Research Article: Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is undoubtedly a great hero and unforgettable personality  of history. Bangabandhu was very concerned and conscious about the women who were brutally oppressed and abused in the liberation war. In newly independent and war-torn Bangladesh, the rehabilitation and reestablishment of dignity of the abused women during the liberation war in the society and the state was considered to be undoubtedly a matter of big challenge. Bangabandhu took various initiatives for the women who were the victims of war. The discussed article highlights the outstanding contribution of Bangabandh  in rehabilitating and reestablishing the dignity of the women who were raped and victimized in the war of independence into their families, society, and state. In terms of enriching the information- various famous and relevant books, reports, journals, research reports and newspapers written on Bangabandhu and the oppressed women in the war of independence has been reviewed sincerely. In the mentioned article, contribution of Bangabandhu to the recognition and acknowledgement of the oppressed and raped women as Birangana, formation of women’s rehabilitation board, enactment of abortion law, married the oppressed women off, rehabilitation of women through cottage and small industries etc. have been discussed. Outstanding contribution of Bangabandhu in rehabilitating and establishing the dignity of the oppressed women in the war of liberation will forever be remembered with respect by the whole Bengali nation.