1. Manpower and Equipment

PCRC has capacity to launch any research campaign anywhere in Bangladesh from its Head Office located at 21 Mirzapur, Binodpur, Motihar, Rajshahi. The office is furnished and equipped with modern, latest furniture and ICT technology.  For the conduction of any kind of operation, PCRC belongs to the followings personnel:

Name of the DesignationNumber of the Post
Chief Advisor and Lead Consultant01
Chief Executive01
Coordinator (Research)01
Coordinator (Consultant)01
Research Executive05
Research Assistant07
Research Officer02
Field Supervisor06
Field Officer40
Office Stuff03

2.Technical Ability

Data Analysis and Presentation

  • Online & Offline Data Collection Platform With Kobo toolbox and ODK tool
  • Data Collection Through CAPI, PAPI, CATI & Social Networks
  • Capacity to Conduct Telephonic Survey
  • Following Appropriate Methods for Qualitative Research
  • Multi-Stage Data Analysis Using SPSS, STATA, Python, Nvivo & MS Excel
  • Live Monitoring during FW Execution Creating FB Messenger/WhatsApp Group
  • 100% Transparency on Project Management
  • Engage the Clients in the Project Execution
  • Deliver 100% Reliable & Valid Data
  • Unique Quality Control Mechanism Top

3.Field of Specialization

  • Socio-economic development,
  • Social security,
  • Good governance,
  • Human resource development (including people with disabilities),
  • Gender inclusion activities,
  • Industrialization,
  • Business and entrepreneurship development,
  • Environment (climate change initiatives),
  • Capacity building training
  • Corporate Research
  • Value Chain
  • Business insight & Development
  • Market Feasibility
  • Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)
  • Ethnic Minorities in Bangladesh
  • Climate Change & Environment
  • Research Methodologies & Sampling
  • Designing Tools & Techniques
  • Training & Briefing
  • Field Operation & Project Management
  • Analysis & Documentation