International Journal of  Socio-environmental Studies (IJSS)

  1. About the Journal

Focus and Scope

International Journal of Socio-environmental Studies (IJSS) is a biennial inter-disciplinary peer-reviewed academic journal of Pragmatic Consultancy and Research Center (PCRC). The journal provides a rapid publication of scholarly but original endeavor (the submission has not been previously published, nor is it under consideration by another journal) on the fields of social & human sciences, climatic issues & environmental studies, business & economics, history & civilization, philosophy & metaphysics, epistemology & psychology, politics & international relations, law & jurisprudence, media & journalism, applied and allied sciences, linguistics & literature and so on. The articles that are related to controversial issues or are considered as dealing with the usual issues which directly or indirectly may be against our culture and national interest or issues that are failed to make any meaningful contribution to the fields of scholarship may not be accepted