Title Page

The title page should contain:

  • The Title of the article. The Title should be a brief phrase describing the contents of the paper.
  • The Title Page should include the author’s name (full name of each author), institutional affiliations, phone/fax number, mailing addresses (e-mail and postal) and the name of the corresponding author. Institutional affiliations and e-mail of the author(s) should appear as a footnote(s).
  • A short biography of the author(s) within 50 words should be given on the title page only.
  • The title page will be removed before the manuscript is sent out for the review.


  • A succinct and factual Abstract is required (maximum of 350 words). The Abstract should state: Background, Objective, Methods, Results and Conclusion.
  • The Abstract should be followed by a maximum of 5 keywords in the article.

Main Text

  • The submitted Article should should be concise and necessarily be other than in English whose length should not exceed 8000
  • The Article should have sections preferably Introduction, (Including problem statement and research question/s and objective), Methodology, Results/Findings, Discussions, Conclusion & Recommendations and References.
  • The text should be typed in A4 size portrait paper orientation with 12 point font size in Times New Roman maintaining 1.5 text spacing between lines and 1-inch margins from all around.
  • All illustrations, figures, and tables should be placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end. If the paper is found plagiarized, the article may be rejected and the same will be notified to the author(s).
  • All pages should be numbered at the bottom position starting from the title page.

Conflict of Interest

  • Any Conflict of Interest should be declared by all authors of the submitted manuscript. This may include grants, honorarium, credits, promotions, memberships or any personal or professional relationships with other people or organizations which may appear to influence the manuscript.
  • Such competing interests are not unethical but should be declared.
  • If there are no Conflict of Interests, authors should still include this heading and write “none to declare.” or“Authors declared no conflict of interest.


  • All References cited in the text must appear in the reference list alphabetically ordered following American Psychological Association (APA) referencing style.
  • Several References by the same author(s) should be ordered chronologically (earliest date first).
  • Begin the Reference list on a new page at the end of the manuscript and type the word References justified alingment and bold at the top of the page.
  • Type each entry using a hanging-indent format.